Substation and Equipment's

Substation and Equipment's | How To Work a Substation, What are the major component of the substation

substation, Transformer
Word of substation means a sub+station station between generation and consumption. mostly substation considers as a transmission section. Simply we can say substation convert or switch one level of power into another level of power.

Substations classified many categories.

  • Based on Voltage level Substations are classified in to.

         MV Substation  (11Kv to 33Kv)
         HV Substation   (33Kv to 110Kv)
         EHV Substation  (Bove 110Kv)
  • Based on functionality Substations are clasified in to
          Generation substation
          Switching substation
          Distribution substations
  • Base on voltage conversion
         Step up substations.
         Step down substations.

Let's see the difference between Generation substation and Switching Substation.
Generation substation located in the beginning stage of power transmission. Normally its a small step up substation. Our generation voltage is 22Kv if transmit the same generated voltage into the long distance. major part of our power will lose in the form of heat due to the resistance. but we use generation transformer/step-up transformer in the circuit it will increase the efficiency of power transmission. The substation located into the beginning of the transmission system is a step up substation its called generation substation. 
normally Switching substations are one voltage level and located in the intermediate stage of the transmission system. main component /equipment of this station is a parallel busbars system. Ths bus bar feed power into other substations through the feeders. In the switching substations are control the power flow/power management of the grid.

Mjor component / equipment.

  1. Feeders.
  2. Busbar.
  3. CT.
  4. PT/CVT.
  5. Isolator with Earth switch.
  6. Breaker.
  7. Transformer.
  8. Lightning arrester.
  9. Grounding/Earthing.
These are the major component of the substation. 

  • Feeders.
Transmission line, power system, overhead line,
Feeder/Overhead line

  Feeders mean power carrying conductor connecting to other substations or distribution transformer. Depending upon power carrying capacity conductors are divided into 7 types.
  1. Kundah - 811A
  2. Moose -  1015A    
  3. Rabbit -  231A
  4. Wolf -     478A
  5. Dog -     338A
These are the most used overhead conductor for power transmission.
  • Busbar
   Busbar is a major component of the substation. It will carry total power receives and supplies from various feeder connected to the Busbar. normally conductors size of the busbar bigger than the feeder. normally used busbar conductors are moose or kundha

  • Current Transformer[CT]

   The current transformer is a device used for measuring the current and also for protection purposes. normally it will available ratio 100/5A, 00/1A, etc...
For meetering purpose notmally use 0.1,0.2,0.5 or1 class.high accuracy measurement purpose 0.1 or 0.2 prefer. 

In the case of protection various class CT's available  5p10,5p10,10p10 and PS. ProtectionCT's kee point is very high so it will not be saturated. it cacarry a high fault.

  • Voltage transformer[PT]
   The voltage transformers normally used for metering purposes. it will give the ratio of the input voltage. another form of Pt is the capacitive voltage transformer it will use to measure the voltage and also for power line communications.

  • Isolator with Earth switch.
       Isolator used to isolate the particular zone from busbar or feeder Earth with used to earth the isolated portion. earth switch minimizes the induction current.

  • Breaker.

      The breaker used for brake ad makes current on load conditions. Up to 13.8KV Vacuum circuit breaker can use. above 13.8Kv will use SF6 circuit breaker.

  • Lightning arrester.
          Lightning arresters used to absorb high voltage spick in the transmission system. it will protect costly equipment like a transformer.

  • Grounding/Earthing.
         Earthing is important part of the substation. every equipment ad support requires to connect groud for safety purposes. normally mesh system used for substation grounding. value of resistance below 0.2ohm.

  • Transformer.
     The main component of the substation is Transformer. the capacity of substation depending upon the capacity of the transformer. In generation substation transformer used for step-up the generated voltage, this type of transformers normally stat to delta type. delta to delta transformer used for iHV/EHV substations for power transmission purposes. Delta to star transformer used for power distribution purposes.

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