Why Transformer Rated in Kva

Why Transformer Rated in Kva?.

         All electrical devices have rated maximum power based on the generation or consumption of electricity. Most of the equipment has rated in kW (kilowatts), and few of them are rated in kVa (kilo volt-amps). The transformer is in one of those equipment rated in Kva.
Electric load such as motor, lighting elements Ac, etc.. are always rated in kW. This article illustrates why transformers are rated in kVA.
           Every electrical equipment has a nameplate. it will contain how much current-carrying in the time of operation at particular volt rage and also noted in the efficiency or losses. But in the case of the transformer, it will be noted how much power they can handle from primary to secondary with a particular voltage level while taking losses in this account.

The transformer is rated in the form of V-A, KVA or MVA never in Kw. Kva is a basic unit of electricity (Kilo-volt-ampere)it never considers power factor into account.
Let's see the basic equation of the power 

Powe (W) = Voltage(V) x Ampere (I)  , Power factor not into account

This means the V-A unit not depending upon the power factor or losses. In an equipment mention the rating in the form of Kw means that equipment has a rated power factor, it will be provide rated output with a specific power factor.

Time to time electrical load on the transformer will be varying. because of the demand for power will change continuously. Also, the transformer loaded different types of equipment with different power factors. This reasons, cant to specify the power factor of the transformer.

Why transformer rated in Kva, Transformer transfers the alternating current from one primary winding to the secondary winding without a specific power factor. 

I hope u can understand why transformer is rated in kva.

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